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When Prophecy and the News Merge

“But you, Daniel, keep these words secret and seal the book until the time of the end.” (Daniel 12:4)


I believe Joel Richardson, author of Mideast Beast and The Islamic Antichrist, has correctly identified the End Time empire.


Many Christians believe that the former Roman Empire and a reconstituted version are the fourth and final human empires, as seen by the prophet Daniel. The statue in Daniel’s vision (Daniel 2, especially verses 40-43) was composed of four layers of metal representing a succession of four empires: gold (Babylonian), silver (Medo-Persian), bronze (Greek), and iron/iron mixed with clay (unidentified).


We know with surety the identity of the first three because God revealed it to Daniel via another vision that equated the four metals/empires with four beasts in Daniel 7: a winged lion (Babylon), a lop-sided bear (Medo-Persian), a four-headed, four-winged leopard (Greece), and a fourth extremely vicious and terrifying unrecognizable beast (unidentified). In Daniel 8, God revealed a coming titanic battle between the Medo-Persian Empire and the soon-to-rise Greek Empire, depicted as a ram (Medo-Persia, silver/bear) and a goat (Greece, bronze/leopard).


However, the fourth beast equated with the iron/iron-clay strata remained unidentified. We know this future and final empire will be “strong as iron.” It will be able to crush and shatter all other dominions (Daniel 2:40). It will initially be divided in two, and from those two “legs” of the final empire, a fragile coalition (strong-brittle) will form (Daniel 2:41-43). This empire will be the final human empire. It will exist until the “stone (that) was cut out without hands” (meaning of God, that is, God’s agent, the Son of Man) arrives to end human dominion on earth so that God’s everlasting kingdom would once again reign entirely on earth forever (Daniel 2:34, 44-45).


Why do I bring this up? Because I believe we may be seeing the fulfillment of this prophecy in our day. If so, then Jesus’ return as the Father’s Son of Man is nearing, followed by the beginning of God’s geopolitical kingdom on earth. Forever.


Because the Lord does not reveal the name of the fourth metal strata/beast to Daniel, theologians and prophecy nerds are left guessing whether this final empire was Roman or another that would succeed the Romans. The Roman hypothesis makes sense if we follow the pattern of the previous three empires, as each one follows on the heels of the previous one. Medo-Persia took down Babylon, and Greece conquered Medo-Persia. It follows that Rome could be the final and yet-to-be-restored empire because the Romans superseded Greece.


However, I believe Joel Richardson’s pioneering work in eschatology revealed the final empire to be the Islamic empire. I won’t explain why right now. It’s best if you read his works yourself. But I will point out that while the Roman Empire was expansive and lasted for 503 years (27 B.C. to A.D. 476), the Islamic dynastic empire existed for 1,290 years from Mohammed’s death to the end of the Turkish Ottoman Empire (A.D. 632 to 1922).


Islamic dominion covered far more territory than the Roman Empire and centered on the same region as the Babylonian, Medo-Persian, and Greek empires. Rome’s empire was offset towards the west. While the Roman Empire split into two parts, geographically east and west, Islam also divided into two parts, Shia and Sunni, based on succession claims after Mohammed’s death.


So, while the Roman Empire started as one and then split into two, the Islamic Empire technically began as two, which matches Daniel’s vision more accurately.


Since the Ottoman Empire’s fall and transition into a “secular state” in 1922, there has been no Islamic empire or caliphate. But suppose you’re a newshound and prophecy-loving person like me. In that case, the idea of a reborn caliphate has been gaining much ground in recent decades, most notably since the rise of ISIS (Islamic State in Iraq and Syria), aka ISIL.


With all the ruckus about the Islamic Empire rising again, my attention is often captured by articles and current events that seem to confirm where we’re at along the prophetic timeline.


One more thing I should add is that we know where Gog and Magog are in Asia Minor. That’s right, Turkey. Ground zero of the former Ottoman Empire has a leader who wants to see the caliphate restored to even greater dominion than it ever had, even worldwide domination.


So, I keep an eye on Turkey and its bombastic leader, Recep Tayyip Erdogan.


Since prophecy is best judged from a distance and in retrospect, allow me to share some headlines and excerpts from the last seven years:


The Emerging Caliphate of Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, January 2, 2018. “What makes Erdoğan such a formidable force to be reckoned with is his ability to deftly change positions in focusing on his long-term goal to re-establish the Caliphate, which only Turkey, the center of the Ottoman Empire, has been able to manage historically over the last 1,000 years.”


The Threat of Erdogan and what the U.S. must do about it, May 29, 2018. “Erdogan’s recent moves attest to his transforming Turkey from a previously secular republic in the Kemal Ataturk tradition with its pro-western orientation, to an Islamist, neo-Ottoman dictatorship, that is increasingly anti-western, and extremely anti-Israel.”


Turkey’s Erdogan says Jerusalem ‘is our city’, October 2, 2020. “Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said Thursday that Israel’s capital city of Jerusalem still belongs to Turkey … ‘The Jerusalem issue is not a geopolitical problem for us. Jerusalem is our city, a city from us,’ Erdogan said, referring to the defeat of the Ottoman Empire in World War One.”


Is Turkey joining war against Israel? Erdogan: ‘We will declare you as a war criminal to the world,’ October 30, 2023 (23 days after Hamas’ horrendous attack on Israel and the eruption of antisemitism around the world). “At the pro-Palestinian rally in Istanbul attended by hundreds of thousands, Erdogan questioned Israel’s historic claim to their Middle East homeland: ‘Hey Israel, how did you come here? How did you enter here?’ he asked rhetorically to the flag-waving throng. ‘You are an occupier. You are an organization. The Turkish people know this,’ he said.”


Turkey president threatens Israel with military ‘invasion.’ ‘There is nothing we can’t do. We must only be strong’, July 24, 2024. “One of the immutable facts about the Middle East is if someone were going to say something extreme, it’s more than likely it would be Turkey’s in everything but name Caliph, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, doing it. And so it proved again late Sunday, as Turkey’s president appeared to openly threaten Israel with invasion in support of the Palestinians.”


Erdogan’s son organizing massive rally to push designs on Jerusalem. January 1 event’s banner states, ‘Yesterday Hagia Sophia, today the Umayyad Mosque, tomorrow Al-Aqsa’, December 26, 2024. “President  Erdogan’s Son Calls for Turkey to Takeover Israel: ‘Yesterday Hagia  Sophia (Constantinople), today the Umayyad Mosque, tomorrow Al-Aqsa.’ (Pamela Geller,”


Talking Turkey: ‘Syria was the appetizer, Egypt is the main course, and Israel is the dessert as far as Erdogan is concerned,’ January 8, 2025. “For Michael Rubin, director of policy at the Middle East Forum, Turkey’s current posturing is emblematic of the country under President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s leadership, which he labeled ‘an engine of radicalism and irredentism. Turkey will now repeat the Iranian pattern: It will use proxies – of which Syria is one – to attack Israel while preparing its own forces to eventually eradicate the Jewish state. The fact Turkey may also follow Iran down the path of a covert nuclear program makes the parallels even greater.’”


And finally, Time to Expel Turkey From NATO, January 11, 2025. “What if the newfound Turkish influence in and occupation of Syria brings it to direct conflict with Israel as Turkish President Erdogan had threatened multiple times, and is now physically closer and able to implement through its neo-Ottoman land bridge? Will NATO be forced to confront Israel if Israel were to attack Turkey to defend itself? … Growing signs that Israel must prepare for a potential war were addressed in the recent report of Israel’s Nagel Committee, to assess the growing risk of a direct armed conflict with Turkey. The report highlights ‘Turkey’s ambitions to reclaim Ottoman-era influence, posing a threat that could surpass even the Iranian challenge,’ noting that ‘The Syrian threat could transform into something more perilous, with Turkish-backed forces acting as proxies to destabilize the region.’” (italics author)


These clips are just a smattering of what’s been buried in the news. Once unearthed, the prophetic picture seems to become more apparent. This slow reveal is similar to what the Lord said to Daniel after the extraordinary revelations He had given His “man greatly beloved” (Daniel 10:11 NKJV). “Go on your way, Daniel, for the words are secret and sealed until the time of the end … none of the wicked will understand, but those who have insight will understand” (Daniel 12:9-10 CSB). Is Joel Richardson on the mark with his assessment of the End Time Beast empire? Perhaps. Remember, prophecy is best judged after it happens. Until then, it’s an educated anticipation. Let’s hold it lightly and see how it unfolds.


That said, do you see how the reborn Islamic empire/caliphate is a much more plausible and active prophetic possibility than a revived Roman empire? Do you see how the prophetic focus is narrowing in a short six years? Yes, Erdogan is constantly banging the drum for war against Israel. He wants to win the hearts and minds of Muslims dreaming of a global caliphate. But Turkey’s anticipated move against Israel seems to be a growing reality.


If we’re as close to the final seven years and a reborn final Beast empire, is the Antichrist Erdogan, his son, or someone else? No worries. Our God will reveal it in His time. The reassurance we have is that He holds His children firmly in His grasp, and He watches over Israel for “the Protector of Israel does not slumber or sleep” (Psalm 121:4).


Sometimes, the Bible reads like the news, and the news reads like the Bible. It’s astounding when they merge.



The emerging Caliphate of Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdoğan,

The Threat of Erdogan and what the U.S. must do about it,

Turkey’s Erdogan says Jerusalem ‘is our city’,

Turkey president threatens Israel with military ‘invasion.’ ‘There is nothing we can’t do. We must only be strong’,

Erdogan’s son organizing massive rally to push designs on Jerusalem, January 1 event’s banner states, ‘Yesterday Hagia Sophia, today the Umayyad Mosque, tomorrow Al-Aqsa,’

Talking Turkey: ‘Syria was the appetizer, Egypt is the main course, and Israel is the dessert as far as Erdogan is concerned,’

Shining the Light of God’s Truth on the Road Ahead


Pastor Jay Christianson

The Truth Barista, Frothy Thoughts

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