​CLASSES with Pastor Jay
All classes are held online. Please email Pastor Jay and let him know if you are interested.​​​

The Book of Matthew
The Gospel of the King
Matthew’s Gospel is a fantastic account of Jesus’ life from a profoundly First Century Jewish perspective. In those days, the Jews yearned for freedom and autonomy under God’s long-promised Messiah, the King who would sit on David’s throne. The Roman occupation and oppression only intensified their longing. Suddenly, a prophet appeared in the Judean Wilderness, John the Baptiser, whose entire ministry focused on preparing God’s people to receive their King. From the time Jesus was baptized, all eyes were on Him to see if He was the One. But little did they know that their future King and His Kingdom would come to them in a vastly unexpected way. Matthew uses his Gospel to prove to His readers that Jesus is indeed Israel’s Messiah, and he explains how the Father would unfold His Kingdom to include the Gentiles and change the world in extraordinary ways.
Come and explore The Book of Matthew through Jewish eyes to appreciate the depths of his Gospel.
The Book of Matthew
Mondays 7:30-9:00pm Eastern | 6:30-8:00pm Central
Online Classes. For the link and passcode, please email Pastor Jay​​​

"Thank you for your excellent teaching skills that help us all understand this deep subject of Torah." Peggy K.

"Thank you for all you do! I appreciate the cultivation and watering of the seed. Roots are growing so deep, and the power of the Lord is becoming more and more evident in my life." Melissa P.

"Like to say, since sitting through Torah on Tuesday evenings I feel it’s drawn me closer to Abba Father. In a world full of so many distractions, I’ve been enlightened to what it means to be sanctified; what He has done through His express image Yeshua Ha’Mashiach, and what it means to sanctify my time with Him and life to Him.” Shannon J.