Yup, boys and girls, we’re gonna take another run at Deep Thoughts.
Deep Thoughts, formerly known as Espresso Shots, are from me, the famous (or infamous) Truth Barista Radio Show and Podcast host.
Where did these ruminations come from? I don’t know.
Some of them came to me in the shower (Shower Thoughts). Some of them came to me as I exercised the spiritual gift of snark while perusing the news on the internet. As I’ve noted, “Sometimes, they just pop out of my brain at odd times for seemingly no apparent reason—random thoughts, so to speak. Some of these thoughts and insights are spiritual. They might be political or accidental observations. They can be reflective, passionate, or funny (depending on whom you ask, and that usually includes only me).”
Anyway, here’s the fourth installment of Deep Thoughts. Enjoy! And yes, there’s no rhyme or reason. It’s just a collision of random brainwaves.
· Forget raising the minimum wage. The debate should be about raising minimal skills.
· My writing struggles? Trying to fit 10 gallons worth of thoughts and words into a 1-gallon hat of an article.
· Barabbas vs. Jesus – The “son of the father” vs. the Father’s Son – The one who sought Israel’s “salvation” by man’s violent hand vs. the one who brought Israel’s salvation by man’s violent hand.
· Of all the beautiful places in God’s world, His heart rests only on Jerusalem.
· For rational people, race is an observation, not a value, cause, or excuse.
· According to the Constitution, the government’s job is not to solve your problems. It is to stay out of the way so YOU can solve your problems.
· Biblically speaking, a name reflects a person’s nature, mission, or function. Does the meaning of Hamas’ name (violence) explain it to you now?
· Gay Pride – two sins, both forgivable and fixable. God’s grace and power can handle anything.
· Surely, not EVERYONE was Kung Fu fighting.
· Research: I ordered a chicken and an egg from Amazon. I’ll let you know.
· Christians are often told to keep our faith private, our beliefs and practices to ourselves, and out of the public square, especially politics. But somehow, this doesn’t seem to apply to anyone else. Think of other groups and movements who are clamoring for change or recognition. It’s either a free and open debate for everyone, or it’s targeted suppression and tyranny.
· (In response to the United Methodist Church removing “Father” from the Apostle’s Creed in 2018): Then I guess the UMC should change “Son” to “Non-binary, gender-neutral Offspring.” That flows well in John 3:16 – “For the human construct of a Divine Person so loved the world that It gave It’s only begotten Non-binary, Gender-neutral Offspring...”. Well, if you have to make God in your image.
· Yes, I am silently correcting your grammar as you speak. Bad grammar is the sort of thing up with which I will not put.
· I’m in rebellion. No, I won’t eat quinoa, kale, or avocados. Nobody’s going to change my mind. So there.
· What will heal the United States? Forgiveness. Forgiving is releasing the right to personally punish the person who wronged you – real or perceived.
· Simple pleasure: the aroma of coffee wafting from the kitchen to the bedroom at dawn. Mmmmmm.
· Working quietly in my office, taking notes by hand to the melody of a pen scratching across the page. Sweet music.
· 1 Timothy 1:9a “We know that the law is not meant for a righteous person.” Why? Because God’s law is the standard of what is right, and one who does what is right follows God’s law. The law of highway speeds only applies to speeders, not those who mind the posted speed. Those who break the law of highway speed will be judged and punished. And yet, following the posted speed doesn’t negate the law of highway speed. So it is with God’s law—something to ponder.
· “Worthless (unprofitable) servants” (Luke 17:10). We cost more than what we return. Regarding our salvation, our Return On Investment is low. Jesus knows that. Despite that, do your best anyway. Remember the phrase, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” Faithful outweighs return.
· Marriage is full of relationship landmines. It’s easier to be a minesweeper than a fragment sweeper. Husbands and wives, be proactive and trust God to build your marriage. Also, the marriage “house” isn’t built on the wedding day. You’ve only just broken ground. Build wisely with God’s blueprint and supervision.
· God’s love is HIGHEST, and His forgiveness is WIDEST.
“For as high as the heavens are above the earth,
so great is his faithful love
toward those who fear him.
As far as the east is from the west,
so far has he removed
our transgressions from us.” (Psalm 103:11-12)
· “He revealed his ways to Moses, his deeds to the people of Israel” (Psalm 103:7). It’s a greater blessing to know why God acts than just His acts.
· Under extreme pressure, Peter (Petros, Rock) denied Jesus (Matt. 26:69-75), and the Rock crumbled to dust. Did Peter have any hope? Yes. God is quite good at making people from dust (Genesis 2:7). Feel like hopeless dust today? Be encouraged!
· The disciples rested while Jesus did His greatest work (Matthew 26:36-46).
· One struggle in a garden (Eden) led to sin and death. The second struggle in a garden (Gethsemane) led to obedience and life.
· Minnesota winter weather observation: There is a bright blue sky when it’s bitter cold. There’s a sermon in that.
· Joy Behar said that God doesn’t speak to people and that it’s a sign of mental illness (February 2018). This is what happened to me the other day. You be the judge:
I attended the International Ministerial Fellowship conference, and we were encouraged to listen to the Lord. So I did. Yes, when I sit and listen, God quickly speaks to me with words, impressions, scriptures, and pictures. In the picture that came to me, I found myself in the middle of tall grass, about 8-9’ high. I asked, “Lord, where am I?”
“Lost in the tall grass.” He said. “You are distracted by church work, other work, your doctorate studies, and concerns.”
“How do I get out?” I asked.
He replied, “Look up. What do you see?”
“The sun.”
“Keep your eyes on the sun,” He said, “and you’ll find your way.” (mic drop)
All this in 30 seconds.
So, does God speak or not?
· Not that I want it to happen, but I’m waiting for an on-the-street reporter on an evacuated hurricane-struck beach to get zotzed by lightning or utterly blown away. Do networks send their least-liked reporter to do this?
And with that, I’ll leave you to your own musings. Stay tuned for Deep Thoughts, Part Funf.
Shining the Light of God’s Truth on the Road Ahead
Pastor Jay Christianson
The Truth Barista, Frothy Thoughts