Getting Our Heads on Straight, Series
Getting Our Heads on Straight : Western vs Hebraic Thinking, Part 1
Why do so many Christians have trouble understanding the Bible or correctly interpreting it? A big part of those problems is how we think. The Bible was written by a people with a Hebraic mindset rather than a Greek-Roman mindset and those differing mindsets have had a huge impact, even a negative one on Western Christianity. It’s time to get our heads on straight.
Getting Our Heads on Straight : Western vs Hebraic Thinking, Part 2
Western vs Hebraic thinking is a fascinating subject because it deeply affects how we study the Bible and live our lives for the Lord. For example, Western thinking is about information while Hebraic thinking is about training – information applied. Jay and Larry explore how Jesus’ followers moved from the Hebraic mindset to the Gentile Western mindset.
Getting Our Heads on Straight : Western vs Hebraic Thinking, Part 3
How has your brain been trained? Is your head on straight? If we try to read the Hebraic scriptures with a Greek mindset, it can greatly affect the meaning. Jay the Truth Barista and Larry explore how the two mindsets look at the Universe and God.
Getting Our Heads on Straight : Western vs Hebraic Thinking, Part 4
How easy is it for you to read a menu held sideways? How about upside down? It’s possible, but difficult. You might order the wrong dish because your vision isn’t oriented properly with what you’re reading. The same thing is true with the Bible. A Western mindset often misreads the Bible because our minds aren’t oriented the way the Bible writers penned what the Spirit was revealing to their Hebraically-oriented minds. For example, how do the two mindsets understand God? You may be surprised.
Getting Our Heads on Straight : Western vs Hebraic Thinking, Part 5
How do you “know” God and His guidance? How are we to live as God’s people? That depends on your mindset. The difference between a Western and Hebraic mindset makes a huge difference!
Getting Our Heads on Straight : Western vs Hebraic Thinking, Part 6
How does the Western mindset differ from the Hebraic mindset regarding congregational life? It’s amazing how we can see the Hebraic mindset at work in the New Covenant Early church. And yet, many of our congregations today seem so different. Jay and Larry talk about why this is.
Getting Our Heads on Straight : Western vs Hebraic Thinking, Part 7
Jay the Truth Barista and Amazing Larry use their study on the Western vs. Hebraic mindset to focus the light on congregational life and leadership. Hang on. This will get bumpy!
Getting Our Heads on Straight : Western vs Hebraic Thinking, Part 8
Jay the Truth Barista and Amazing Larry tackle the topic of worship as it’s approached by the Western vs. Hebraic mindset. Is there a difference? Yes! A big one. It’s a different as knowing about God and knowing God, and much more. Check it out.
Getting Our Heads on Straight : Western vs Hebraic Thinking, Part 9
Jay, the Truth Barista, and Amazing Larry wrap up the topic about the difference between the Western and Hebraic mindsets and how both worldviews radically affect how we read God’s word, experience God, and live as a Christian community. Listen to how Jesus’ followers drifted from a Jewish background to a Greek/Western influence.